Thursday, July 28, 2011

What I learned from the world's richest man

Are you willing to change your attitude?

Bestselling author Alan Cohen shares "everything you need to know about achieving personal and financial success" from the "richest man in the world."

"Although you may not recognize him, you do know him," writes Cohen.

What would such a mystery man have to teach you and me? Well, how about this:

"Contrary to popular belief, getting everything we want does not involve gritting your teeth and fighting each step of the way. Instead, it means adjusting our changing attitudes -- from a fear mentality to a wealth mentality."

That means overcoming small and self-defeating modes of thinking ... and taking care of people while life takes care of you.

What do you see?
What we see, is what we believe.

Yet the universe was created in utter abundance, even extravagance. For every limit that we can imagine, there is something beyond it. Look more. See more. Wonder if there is more available to you than you’ve been settling for. Notice signs of plenty around you.

How do you think?
We shrink our world when we think and talk small.

It shrinks even more when we surround ourselves with those who agree with us. Many find comfort in living tiny lives, and resist even those changes that would help them. The cause of this poverty is not lack, but fear and withholding. The world is not small. We are.

Allow all that life offers! 
Do not limit life to your beliefs.

Instead, expand your beliefs to allow for all that life has to offer. Those who succeed in life pay more attention to their own visions and goals than to the history or opinions of others. Be brave. If you do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.

Allow all that life offers!
Wealth is a mirror of our beliefs and expectations. When we change our minds, our situations change to reflect it. It is difficult to defeat an enemy who has an outpost in our heads. Poverty is an external circumstance that can be overcome, but poverty mentality is the enemy within. Our thoughts are the strongest currency at our disposal.

What is your point of power?
We inherit our beliefs about money from our parents and authority figures, learning (and teaching) through feelings, energy, and example. But we can reprogram our minds by focusing on prosperity. Remember that the present is our point of power. Move forward energized by positivity.

Direct your thoughts toward prosperity.

What is your point of power? 
Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed. Every interaction is an opportunity to practice human connection, and inhabit a life of quality and integrity.

Take care of the people around you and life will take care of you.

An investment in yourself! 
Everything we do, everything we buy, is a statement of what we believe we are worth. If we allow ourselves the things we love and embrace life’s pleasures, we can allow others the same. Consider your actions as an investment in yourself.

You are worth having anything you love.

Joy and choice ...
Money is a current of energy that becomes good or evil depending on how we think of it and use it.

When we recognize our power to generate wealth, we no longer need to coerce it or withhold it from others – because the only money worth having is that which is given and received with joy and choice.

Our source is infinite!
We can make anything out of anything.

If we cannot change a situation, we can reframe it in our minds so that it works in our favor. No single person or institution is the source of our good. Our source is infinite and can find us in ways that we have yet to even think of.

Enjoy what you have!
Happiness is not something that happens to you.

It is an attitude that you cultivate. Wanting more from life is healthy and natural; just remember to enjoy what you have. If you feel rich, you are rich.

Wealth is determined by more than money.

Trust yourself!
Our lives are guided by an intelligence that matches people with the things that they need.

Part of us is always clear and strong, even when other parts are not. We must learn to let that part lead, when we are confused or in a crisis.

We must learn to trust ourselves.

Your life is your work 
We can retire from a job or a career, but not from life.

We cannot afford to do anything with less than a whole heart. If we breathe passion and energy into our careers and creations, others will pay to experience that joy with and through us. Our lives are our work.

Choose both well.

Your life is your work
It is never too late to be what you might have been.

Your future is not what it used to be. Make a list of what you would do if you had one year to live, and do it – all of it. Enjoy the people you love as if it were the last time you will see them. Enjoy the life you are living as though it were the only one.

Your life is your work
"Life has an amazing way of sending help to those who need is," says bestselling author Alan Cohen. "When I most needed help, it showed up. Life did not leave me to drift and die. To the contrary, my ordeal led me to greater life."

 If you have liked these nuggets of wisdom, then you'll enjoy How Good Can It Get? : What I Learned From the Richest Man in the World, by Alan Cohen (copyright @2011 by Alan Cohen) published by Hampton Roads Publishing Co.

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