Friday, June 17, 2011

How To Have An Awesome Life

Appreciate the Wonderment of Living
You’re alive. That in itself is a reason to rejoice each moment. You may have your rough days and your sad days, but as long as you are breathing you can access awe. When you get out of bed in the morning and put your feet on the floor, give thanks that you are part of a great adventure, an ever-expanding journey.

Get Your Day to Day Needs Met
Find a way to subsist, that is, put bread on your table and a shelter over your head, otherwise it will be very difficult to pause and appreciate the marvels of creation. If you are currently without these necessities, then go to a city or county-run assistance program to get back on your feet. It is a start for which your body--and your soul--will thank you profusely.

Savor Each Moment
Each moment is a gift. Savor it. Be in it.
Even in the tough times, take a moment to breathe, ground yourself and become present in the moment. There is much more to your experience, right now, than you realize, such as the fact of your aliveness, the possibilities for discovery, and appreciation of a human connection.

Focus on What You Love
Life will be much richer—livelier--if you can direct your attention to what really matters to you, whether that’s a person, a place, or an activity. Take time to consider bigger questions, such as how you are willing to use the space and time left to you.

Create the Capacity to See the Big Picture
Try to view your life as a passenger on an amazing journey. Realize that you are MORE than petty or narrow judgments about yourself. The destination is the journey as much or more than the journey simply leading to a destination.

Be Open to the mystery of Life and Being
An appreciation for the fact of life Tip: Stay open to the possibilities and surprises of life, they may be around the corner. When you’re in conversation or working, or just simply being, realize that change—often positive change—can spontaneously occur; and you can help to promote that process too.

Understand that Pain is a Teacher
Understand that as difficult as it is, pain can be an opening—as well as closure—to a new way of life. For example, if you are sad, perhaps you can view the sadness as a long neglected chance to slow down, appreciate subtleties, and consider life anew.

Develop an Appreciation of Balance
We all experience fragility and resiliency. To cope best with this life, acknowledge both your limits and your possibilities. Recognize that limits and possibilities play off one another and that to live fully one must be open to tearfulness as well exhilaration.
Alone time, in depth therapy, and meditation, can each play a vital role in the cultivation of a life of balance.

Stay Present and Accept the Change
Life is ever-evolving. An ability to stay present to, and accept, the evolving nature of life is a powerful skill. As painful as conflict can be, realize that, like everything else, it too shall pass, and something new will emerge.

Surrender and Trust in the Unknowable 
Strive to develop the ability to give yourself over discerningly to the unknowable future. Realize that no matter how hard we fall, there is always a beyond that can “catch us.” To the extent you can risk being open in these ways, you can derive continual benefits, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Take a Leap of Faith into Your Future
There have been many people throughout history who have suffered unimaginably and yet found solace in the wonders and puzzlements of creation. They have found a way to rise above the worst of times and grow from them, and find gratitude for all that is good. You are so much more than what you think you are. So take the leap if you dare, follow your grandest visions and dreams, and partake of the greatest investigation ever known—your own awe-filled life. Breathe in the awesomeness of life!

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